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Sabrient Quantitative Investment Research
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Earnings Busters 26
The Sarient Earnings Busters 26 is a long portfolio based on a proven quant strategy. Managed by David Brown and Walter Gault, the portfolio is designed to be unbiased, emotionless, and highly disciplined.

Performance Update: July 28, 2014
Year-to-Date: +12.94%
Since inception (1-30-09): +294.21%

The Strategy. The 26-stock portfolio is based on a 52-week hold strategy using stocks from Sabrient's forward-looking Company Outlook model.
  • Universe. Positions are selected from the top-ranked stocks in Sabrient's Outlook model.
  • Holding period. Positions are held for 52 weeks.
  • Review period. Every two weeks, the oldest position is reviewed and either renewed (if it still meets the strategy requirements) or replaced.
  • Equal dollar allocation. We recommend allocating a set amount of capital to the strategy and taking on all positions in equal dollars (not equal shares).
  • Basket approach. We strongly recommend that you do not cherry pick only a few stocks. This is a quantitative model that relies upon a "basket approach" to ensure steady performance and to diversify the risk of one stock hurting the portfolio.
  • New Subscribers. We recommend that new subscribers build their portfolios over 26 weeks, adding the new position reviewed each week.
  • Current Subscribers. Since you should already have 13 stocks in your Earnings Busters portfolio, on Thursday April 3, we suggest you enter the 13 new positions that we recommend, plus the one already slated for review that Thursday (if it is replaced).
The Portfolios

2013 Portfolio
2012 Portfolio
2011 Portfolio
2010 Portfolio
2009 Portfolio (from inception, January 30, 2009)

The Earnings Busters Portfolio is included in Sabrient's PLATINUM subscripton. Subscribe here!

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